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tv   Ronan Farrow Daily  MSNBC  September 19, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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most wanted list. schools remain closed in blooming grove. he is accused of fatally shooting a state trooper and injuring another in an ambush last week. >> those who would attack the police would give no pause in harming any citizen. an attack on law enforcement here is an attack on law enforcement anywhere. >> investigators describe him as a survivalist and they are looking into his past. how he was an extra in a short film about nazi germany camps back in 2007. corporal brian dixon that he is suspected of fatally shooting was laid to rest yesterday. we will have much more on that story coming up. now to a horrifying murder suicide in bell, florida. people are dead after a man shot his daughter and her six children. the youngest was just three
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months old. >> it really hurt me this morning to be on the campus and seeing kids feeling the way they did this morning. it was difficult. >> the shooter has been identified as 51-year-old don spirit, a convicted felon. police say they have no indication of a motive, but they have been called to the residence in question multiple 250i78s in the past. the small town has a population of 349 people. that means this tragedy single handedly killed 2% of the entire population. one order of scotch, not on the rocks, but with a twist. in a 55-45% vote, scotland voted no against independence yesterday. that's right. britain's friend to the north decided to remain part of the united kingdom.
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that brought a huge sigh of relief to britain's economy and political establishment including prime minister david cameron who was facing calls to resign if scotland did break away. >> like millions of people, i am delighted. it would have broken my heart to see our united kingdom come to an end. >> moving to washington where violence against women appears to be a recurring theme at the women's leadership forum. this comes as a poll shows democrats are losing advantage among women voters. they have been taking the stage all morning. vice president biden and hillary clinton. here's what the former secretary of state said moments ago about violence against women. >> look at violence against women. 20 years ago this week, my husband signed the violence against women act, a great victory thanks to years of hard work from leaders like vice president biden.
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celebration of this anniversary was tempered by troubling news on many fronts from the outrages of the nfl to more sauls against women in uniform and at college. >> earlier vice president biden made remarks as well about domestic violence in light of the nfl controversy. >> when the societalal tud changes and not a single woman in america asks herself the question, what did i do? what did i do? was it what i was wearing? should i have not raised my voice? never, never, never is it the woman's fault. >> appreciate those remarks. president obama will address the forum and moments ago he echoed vice president biden's remarks as he announced a new public awareness campaign to cam bat sex assaults on college
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campuses. >> we have to have a fundamental shift in the culture. as far as we have come, the fact is from sports leagues to pop culture to politics, our society still does not sufficiently value women. >> we are waiting now for a press conference from nfl commissioner roger goodell set for 3:00 p.m. eastern time. we will carry it here on msnbc live. that will be the first time that we have heard from the embattled league head in over a week. he is expected to announce that clubs will receive comprehensive information about domestic violence and sexual assault and resources in their own communities. the nfl is making a donation to two major national abuse centers. after the national domestic violence hotline saw an 84% spike in calls in just the two days following the release of that ray rice tape last week. a new poll shows 53% of all
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americans and 57% of football fans disapprove of how the nfl is handling the issue of domestic violence. less than a third of americans or football fans specifically believe the commissioner should resign. when asked if the recent news would make it more or less likely that they would watch the games, 86% of football fans said it would have no impact. that to the baltimore fans who lined up halfway around the stadium to return ray rice jerseys and exchange them for different jerseys. somewhere in line as early as 4:00 a.m. we are heading into this football weekend after a whirl wind week of arrest charges and press conferences and outrage from the white house. are the fans going to stay? joining me now to break it down is the vice chairman of
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changes for being with us. >> going into this press conference today, what should the nfl's goal be and goodell's goal be? >> it's hard to talk when there is an investigation going on. the pressure has been so great and in football terms there has been so much piling on on this issue that he really has no choice. expect a couple of things. a lot of compassion towards women and a lot of sensitivity. a lot of proactivity. you will see that the nfl is making donations to the right organizations. they named someone within the organization to handle this as an issue at a very senior level. they are going to make sure that there is education done at every level at the nfl from the head offices to the teams to really make sure that everyone from executive players understands what this issue is and how to combat this issue. right now i think the fact that
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he gets out from behind the rose garden and takes the questions. it is viewed as courageous and i think it will help him. they want the issue addressed in a big big way. >> do you think it is courageous. we have been hearing calls for him to speak earlier and there is a clamoring for comments on the latest developments. we had silence up until now. did he wait too long? >> he waited until he had the right things to say. this is a huge multibillion dollar organization and you have to get people in place before you announce things and you don't top the get out too soon. it may not be courageous to some people, but to the guy who understands what it's like to take these questions, there is an amount of courage that goes
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with doing that. there is an irony in the nfl. the skills that might make a guy a great nfl player might make them not as good in a marriage. the aggressiveness and the toughness. >> is that fair to the overwhelming number of nfl players who are not violent and hitting their wife or not accused of child abuse? the way i look at it, they are trained to be aggressive and then stop as soon as the whistle blows. >> they have to understand when they are on the field and when they are in life. the nfl in society is making it clear there is a difference and you are right. they have to stop when the whistle blows. we have seen this and can't deny the fact that the nfl is changing with the times. i worked with them when michael sam was coming out. they want to change. i think the nfl is full of good
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people with good intentions that have a lot of people that they have to manage and a lot of teams they have to manage without clear lines of distinction. they are not the owners of the team. the owners own the teams and believe the nfl at its heart thinks they are doing the right thing and want to do the right thing and want to help people on this issue. >> our new polling shows a majority of americans disagree with you on that front. to most of us it seems like they have been reacting to public pressure rather than their own moral outrage which is where it should be coming from. to your point of what they should do, we saw brandon marshall who faced his own domestic violence issues about five years ago. he has turned himself around and been a positive influence in the community. let's take a listen to him. >> if you speak your mind, you are going to be judged and make yourself look worse. for six or seven years, i sat
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back and accepted my part in everything that i have done. everything that i have been a part of. i listen representatives say you can't win this one. there is no need to try to win it. one of the things that always frighten me for the past couple of years is how vulnerable i would be to women because of incidents in the past and everything that i have been through. that's what i'm afraid of for guys. >> given his history is he a liability or ambassador they should be putting forward on the issue? >> he is somewhere in between. he's real. that's what is so important about his truth and his story. he can change and the parallel is other players can change. the league can change and he said mistakes were made. the nfl has to acknowledge that too. mistakes were made and we are going to learn from the
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mistakes. i think he has a lot more credibility than some people. he is a guy who lived it, but he is a guy who made that transformation and understands that he shifted that paradigm and why he was wrong. >> i think that we are all hoping the nfl learned from their mistakes and will move forward in a more positive direction this afternoon. thank you so much. >> thank, crystal. >> the fallout from the scandal could extend all the way to the military. pentagon press secretary john kirby talked about this moments ago. chuck hagel has been asking for a better understanding of the relationship between the u.s. military and the nfl. this is not a formal review, but it looks like hagel wants more information about how the military supports the nfl with fly overs and the singing of the national anthem and the like. we are asking you to team up against domestic abuse.
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join the 16 women senators who wrote a letter to commissioner roger goodell calling if are a zero tolerance policy in the nfl. if you agree, head to our website to sign your name or tweet us with the hash tag to let us know what you think so far. more than 1200 of you have signed our petition. keep up the good work. janine said please keep up the pressure on the nfl. they have to stop being perpetuated by the league and they can keep playing and making money for the league. on twitter, jose said there should be zero tolerance for violence wherever it happens. our country is sweeping criminal activities under the rug. coming up, the coalition is coming together. the united states is now not the only foreign country conducting air strikes in iraq. we will tell you who joined in and talk about whether there is a rift between president obama and his generals and how he
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needs to destroy isis. whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration.
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hold on. it's manwich.
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>> the war against isis in iraq. the war reference for you there. the first to join the u.s. in the fight militarily with the depot in iraq. isis canceled the entire month of auction.
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they are they will get under way shortly. and including useding the unique capabilities to deny the safe haven and building the coalition to support the efforts. >> joining me now is a veteran of the u.s. marines who fought in iraq and also michael kay. editor at large who served in the uk's air force. thank you so much for joining me. let me start with you on this interesting quote from the
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director of the national intelligence. he's leery of what we are dealing with. that's always a problem. we didn't do it and under estimated the vietcong and overestimated the will of the south vietnamese and we under estimated isil and the fighting capability of the iraqi army. do you think that has been a problem? did we from the beginning, is there more we could have done to stem the rise of isis and not let it get to this point? >> the taliban who didn't mention there, they have a famous saying that you may have the watches, but we have the time. the component of any nation that invades a country, that will break before the enemy. there two key pieces in terms of
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strategy. degrade and destroy. if we relate those to iraq and syria, you can degrade isis in iraq. we have put in the policy that allows that to happen. however the white elephant in the room is syria. we haven't got a policy that allows us to implement a strategy. they invited us in. the air strikes are containing them to destroy isis. we need to put the policy around syria and develop a military strategy. it may not involve rebels, about you they have to have loyalty to whatever the alternative is. without that, syria will remain. >> what do you say to that? do we have a strategy that takes into account the will to fight of isis? >> one of the questions that we ask, why are people fighting us. why are they fighting? one of the reasons the army fell apart is they are far outside
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their homes. this is a shia army. had isis been moving in they would have been fighting for their homes. what they fail to do is identify what is isis fighting for. they are fighting to establish this, but -- >> why does that make a difference? >> the way you defeed an organization like isis is by separating those who are irreconcilable. those who are fighting for a paycheck and government some of
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those have legitimate grievances and they are fighting the same people in 2005, 2006 and 2007. reach out and form alliances with the rec sillables and today isis. if you can break apart that coalition of folk who is are fight i fighting we went through that. we have to understand how people become disenfranchised. >> you are both veterans and the legacy is all this decision making.
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where there is no foreign policy and where there is no ability for whatever the objectives are for activity to contribute towards the long-term ability of the country. that will be short-term and the end goal is unclear and how we get there is unclear at the moment. thank you both so much. it wasn't even close. we head to the still united kingdom after yard's record setting independence vote. that's next. how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40, $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement?
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s. supporters of an independent scotland are licking their wounds today after scottish voters rejected a referendum
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that might have led to the break up of the united kingdom after more than 300 years in existence. some polls predicted a much closer race, but in the end the no votes came out on top by a 10-point margin. the london editor for the daily beast and you are there in edinburgh. emotions running high at this point? >> that's right, yeah. there have been tears in the last hour because 12 hours after we found out scotland had voted overwhelmingly to remain as part of the union, the man who presided over this for the last quarter century has stepped down as well. it was too much for the people who were overwhelmed. they were singing traditional songs and tears running down cheeks. >> how does this impact scotland's political future? will they have more power since
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they threatened to split off entirely? >> they did. it worked extremely well or it should if david cameron keeps his word. in the last few weeks, it looks like the scottish national party might pull off a surprise victory and london and a new package of deals and powers that would come to the parliament and make it more powerful on its own. they will have more power on himself. >> he has to be really happy with this result. how did this close call and vote affect his process for reelection next year.
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he offered powers to scotland and he said i can't do that without giving more to scotland and wales. he wanted to give more power to all sorts of the united kingdom. he has torn up the constitution and we don't know what's going to happen. >> a number of celebrities weighing in on what scotland could do. person who is happy is j.k. roweling saying watching scotland make history. we should be proud to be endorsers. did celebrities make a difference some are. >> it's hard to say. one of the strangest things is what appears to be happening and what is actually happening.
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you have seen people with kilts and yes t-shirts and yet when it came to polling day, the silent majority rushed to the polls and wiped out that enthusiasm. whether they were influenced by celebrities or an economic process of thought, i don't know. i'm envious of their participation rate. a manhunt reaches a week. police in pennsylvania are urgently looking for eric freen, the man who allegedly gunned down two state troopers, killing one of them. what goes into this sort of hunt? we have a unique perspective on that search after the break. this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain... may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach,
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a massive manhunt is under way for an a duced cop killer in
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pennsylvania. eric freen is described as an anti-cop survivalist and on the fbi's most wanted list. he is accused of opening fire, fatally shooting trooper and injuring another. that community is on edge. schools are closed and some people were even unable to return home last night. >> i'd like to go home. i have dogs in the house, but it's more important that this person is caught. >> i had to go to the doctor's the other day. you didn't go. you didn't know if he would pull up and take your car. >> scary stuff. from pennsylvania, also with us is jim cavanaugh. msnbc law enforcement analyst and atf special agent in charge that worked on the waco, unibomber and d.c. sniper cases. sarah, what is the latest on the ground when it comes to this manhunt?
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>> crystal, those roadblocks from last night around his parents's home were lifted. residents allowed to return home. is anything but normal. the local schools here are closed yet again and the state police barracks here behind me the scene of the crime are closed to the basketball. they are guarded right now by troopers with high powered rifles. residents understand the concerns for safety, but they are eager for this ordeal to be over. freen is described as having military-like survivalist training and has been on the run for a week. 200 law enforcement officers are searching hiding places. hunting cabins and vacation homes and campgrounds for any sign of him. >> and jim last night the pennsylvania state police spoke about eric freen. take a listen. >> we think he is here. we have reason to believe he is still in the area. we want to make sure we are covering every base. we can't let this fella get out
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of this area because we think he would be a danger to other members of law enforcement as well as society. >> jim, take us inside the law enforcement approach. how are the state police working to keep this guy from leaving the area and keeping him from attacking again? >> using tactical teams and the s.w.a.t. teams, they were working in different areas around the area in question where the troopers are where freen lives and he practiced his military maneuvers. the teams are fully equipped with long rifles, dogs, binoculars and scopes and camouflage gear and water and food. they can go out into the rural area and try to search for him. that's one big part of the effort. you also have to realize that these guys that i had on these hunts for cop killers in the mountainous regions in the eastern part of the country slip
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a gauntlet. one was on 400 troopers and federal agents after killing a policeman. these guys can get through, but these guys are in mission to kill mote. likely he is still up there to engage somebody. >> that's very scary indeed. this is at least the third deadly ambush of north american police officers by apparent anti-government extremists since the beginning of the summer. the attacks left six officers dead from canada to las vegas. police said that he is an anti-cop survivalist with the fascination for the military as you were alluding to. you have got lots of unwanted in a lot of respects experience with guys like this. what motivates someone like this? what plays into the delusions? >> guys like this start out shooting like his father taught him when he was young. he came from a military family.
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sooner than later the direction turns in the wrong way and they talk to people about the anti-government feelings and they get on the web and research all this stuff and quickly come into a lot of crack pot and crazy talk, hating the government. killing federal officers and killing police officers. just like the guy you mentioned in canada where he killed three officers up there. it spreads across the country and obsesses people like him. >> quickly, what is the reaction in the community to what people are hearing about this guy? >> people are very divided in their opinions. we were just in the middle downtown here talking to folks. man doesn't fear for his safety and he feels that freen is focused on government and law enforcement and not on the general public. he has been uneasy for the past week. he was working in his yard and he kept turning around and checking behind his shoulder. there was a lot of nerves on
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edge. >> thank you both. >> coming up in just under 90 minutes, roger goodell faces the music at a live news conference as we learn more about what he plans to do about the deepening violence scandal engulfing the nfl. we will have live coverage of that news conference on the cycle. don't go away. want to feel nature's energy?
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>> today the strikes against the terrorists continue. we salute our dedicated pilots and crews who are carrying out these missions with great courage and skill. >> in a speech highlighting air strikes in iraq following congressional approval to arm and train rebels in syria. president obama informed congress about air strikes against isis in iraq on august
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eighth and weeks later we are still waiting on congressional approval for america's use of force. the obama administration is relying on the 2001 authorization, but they said they welcome congressional involvement. >> we believe the president has the authority under the aumf, the 2001 to do what he believes that is important to do for the security of this country. if the congress believes that they want to get involved in writing a new authorization of force, that's the prerogative of the congress. >> congress just went home for weeks with over 100 troops deployed in iraq. some of them flying combat missions. congress has more important work to do apparently. reelection. joining us now, capitol hill
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correspondent luke russert and hayes brown, editor of the world vertical at think progress. thank you very much for being with me. rachel maddow has been trying to keep a count of who in congress has been calling for us for them to authorize force officially again and issue a new aumf. according to her count, 113 members of congress do want that new authorization for the use of force. if they are anxious, why did they pick up and leave town? >> that's an easy question. politics. they don't want to get in the middle of writing a new one ahead of a contentious mid-term election. >> somehow i knew you would say that. >> a lot has has been considered. it's not like 9/11. only one member of congress voted against it. there was a consensus at the time of what the mission was through al qaeda and those responsible for knocking down the twin towers. this time around, it's
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different. it's not as clear cut. what the authorization of force would mean. the number two house ranking democrat said he wanted to do this in the lame duck. i will be surprised if that's possible, but crazier things have happened. to answer your question point blank, it's too contentious to do ahead of a mid-term. they want more time and perhaps that provides them with a nice shield. >> on the hand, i think it's an important piece that we have a clear understanding of what the president's authorization is here and what he is able to do in terms of military force. i don't think we should give the executive a blank check indefinitely going into the future past president obama, but is this something that members of congress and politicians who are running for office right now, is this something that is really going to be hitting with their constituents at home and
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are they going to be pressured when they go back home for reelection? >> i don't think that the constituents will be asking about the aumf. it's a technical process and they understand that congress has the responsibility to declare war, but they are fine with whatever gets done so long as something gets done against isis. on the point that luke made, there were several aumf draffs floating around, but no one wants to bring them up before the elections. >> one person who i think has been fascinating to watch in terms of response to isis has been senator rand paul who is libertarian and for intervention, but against arming the rebels. has it been hard for him to remain consistent with his libertarian ideology with the threat like isis? >> absolutely. i think rand paul is finding out that within the confines of the republican electorate, remember national security was one of the three pillars that every
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republican used to have the same idea on. we will have a strong national security and go after the bad guys that is overly simplistic. even after with john mccain as head of the party. he is running into the difficulty now with isis growing and this ideology becoming popular again, interventionism to some degree is gaining steam. you see it reflected in the polls with security moms of those suburban white women that helped the bush administration win in 2004. they are a voting block. rand paul not being an interventionist can hurt him a lot. a lot of people in the establishment, their hatred for rand paul is quite large, but one thing they dislike is the foreign policy. they think it's a complete front to everything they believe in going back to ronald reagan. rest assures in the primary, this point will be hit on rand
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paul extensively. >> we are not hearing a lot about the nsa and national security overreach and the ground has shifted dramatically. >> it's true. what's interesting is that doesn't break down to liberal or conservative. in the house you saw the authorization of syrian rebels. some shows the party divided. it's true. some voted against it and some democrats voted against it. right now you see them both trying to figure out where we are for politically speaking on this. >> luke russert and hayes brown, thank you very much for your time today. >> take care. thank you. >> up next, dumb criminals. really, really dumb criminals. this guy thought he could walk right out with a painting for an art museum. you will have to stick around to find out. [ male announcer ] when you pick up bertolli, a bit of italy comes home with you. bertolli. your house? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] with the taste
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thomas crown, he is not, but police in england today have arrested the man they say was caught on tape trying to steal a piece of art from a gallery in birmingham. first, the man tries to conceal the artwork underneath his sweatshirt. and when that didn't work, he simply tucks the frame right under his arm. can you see him doing it there. looking at it. doesn't work in the hoodie. no, no, that's not going to work. yeah, let me just -- here we go. put it right under my arm and then i'll just walk out the front door. that's not going to be a problem, right? now, that may seem humorous but trafficking in stolen art is one of the biggest criminal industries in the entire world. interpol ranks it third on the world's most lucrative illegal enterprises right behind trafficking in drugs and weapons. we have a rare look in this
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trade. ♪ >> i w >> translator: i was 12, 13 years old. i started playing with clay, making small statues. someone saw my work, recognized my tal sxent gave me books to study. my mentor was the one who introduced me to the market of reproductions. ♪ >> reporter: she grew up in the ancient down just outside of rome. it's famous for its estruscan tombs and locals that loot them,
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called tombarola. >> someone without skrcruples. there is nothing romantic in what he does. >> translator: it was in front of the cafe two tombaloa said, look at this vase. i said, where does it come from? in that fragment i noticed the great quality of good mythology, great perrreservation. i offered 10 million lira, today i would offer $1,000. >> reporter: when experts saw his fragments, they immediately realized the value. >> translator: they told me, you have to find the entire vessel so please go back and start digging. take your bucket. the vase was then sold to a
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museum. >> reporter: he didn't want just to steal. he wanted to create. >> recreated the same technique. the same colors. >> reporter: experts had doubts but they could never prove his work was not real. >> in the end he admitted it was a forgery. >> translator: when i was creating, i took it as a challenge between this famous museum director's, this expert's. it was a competition and i had to win it. to win with my art. i had a vision. i wanted to see myself as a dealer, not a forger. the real beauty was to influence the market. >> reporter: and the market was booming in those years.
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museu museums, galleries and collectors were spending hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase ancient art. sometimes they didn't want to know where it all came from. >> the getty museum is famous for spending $40 million on archeological findings. in many cases the artifacts came from italy. >> reporter: the italian authorities cracked down on anticties trade. museums forced to return looted art. >> we confiscated so many artwor artworks, along with the police, we opened a brand new museum outside of rome. >> what the hell, i was a millionaire. now i make tiles to survive. i was making tons of money. it's not easy to let it go, you know. >> not easy indeed. a programming note for you.
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coming up next monday, an upstart named gwen stefani. >> how many kids between all the members of the band? 12 maybe? >> 12. >> yeah, that's a lot of kids on the tour bus. >> ronan will be back and he talks with the pop icon about everything from parenting to her new solo work, and the continuing fierce debate over child vaccinations. you don't want to miss that. that wraps up this edition of "ronan farrow daily," i'll be back in one hour for "the cycle" and "the reid report" is next. tigers, both of you. tigers? don't be modest. i see how you've been investing. setting long term goals. diversifying. dip! you got our attention. we did? of course. you're type e* well, i have been researching retirement strategies. well that's what type e*s do. welcome home. taking control of your retirement?
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you call yourself i need a new recruit. dawn? you won't last. a drop of dawn ultra has active suds that stay stronger longer, so you can clean 2 times more greasy dishes. dawn does more. so it's not a chore. hello, everyone. i'm jonathan capehart. i'm in for joy reid. we're following two big stories today. first, roger goodell breaks his
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silence. in about an hour from now, the embattled nfl commissioner will make a statement and answer tough questions about domestic violence issues that continue to plague the league. right now sblgt of state john kerry is meeting with united nations security council as he tries to get more allies to join the fight against isis. but first, fast-moving developments today in the nfl's ongoing battle of public perception when it comes to domestic violence. in an hour, roger goodell will hold a news conference and take questions from reporters amid calls for his resignation. on the day ravens fans are lining up to exchange their ray rice jersey and announcing the team is with an 84% spike in calls with that infamous ray rice video. news, chuck hagel is asking